Labels:book | bulletin board | crt screen | dialog box | poster | sky | trade name | window OCR: Features Benej fits SHrup AppleShare Eliminates the necessily tOr disk Tile drives Ht workstations Eliminates managenent for ProDOS 8 srstem softy are and network access software AppleShare. File-server raccess Allows Apple l1e users i to share data TT: 0TT1 ProDOS 8 with oher Apple Te Apple TTN Macintosh. ani MS-1XOS esers ........ Menu-driven network software Makes it toaccess networh Tesurcer such as file hervers ac printers. Poupon Enables ProDOS aplicitions: It he. on nd run from server volumes suodrins stundard PraDOS conmand: 3IK I utilities. .. .... .... prin sofware Allows u1sers o direcrly : SSHXJE nerwork printers inclurding the InageWriter ard LaserWriter, and : spoolers. such as the Appkeshare server. frorn within PrOLHOS applicatorn Board-resident. AppleTalk prxxol Minimizes ...